Give to a healthier education

Our current school-aged generation is stressed, lonely, and struggling with mental health, despite public school programming and interventions. While countries around the globe are evolving and retooling to capitalize on innovation, the U.S.—burdened by bureaucracy and a century-old infrastructure—has stagnated. It’s been happening for decades now, and the chasm is getting wider.

The time to shift our nation’s narrative of education is NOW.

Oak Ridge Academy is helping children learn through real-life experience and critical thinking. In small, mixed-age groups, with individualized Guide attention, we challenge learners to ask themselves what they WONDER about. We know that learners who are given opportunities to invest time and effort in the things that naturally absorb their attention, they work from intrinsic motivation that cannot be matched by the traditional extrinsic motivation of grades and rewards.

At Oak Ridge Academy, children are connecting with nature and connecting with their community. They are exploring their inner-most strengths and challenges. Oak Ridge is equipping children to approach adulthood with the necessary skills to pursue positive economic outcomes while still maintaining their mental health and connection to people. After all, that should be the outcome of a healthy education.

Support a healthier education

  • Stress-free Learning Opportunities

  • Social & Emotional Development

  • A Connection with Nature

  • Small Classes And Deep Relationships